How Waggle can make 1-1s easier & more effective

This free template is a great place to start but what if 1-1 management was made even easier?

With Waggle in your virtual pocket, it can be.

Waggle helps you:

Prepare for 1-1s and follow through on action items

With Waggle you can set up and prepare for 1-1s, populate a templated agenda in the platform, get assigned action items, and be reminded of talking points you’ll want to cover (based on 1-1 conversations and action items from past weeks).

Waggle finds tasks you give verbally in meetings and assigns them to relevant team members, placing it on their to-do list so that it doesn't fall through the cracks.

It even catches if crucial details are missing (like a deadline!) and nudges you to add them.

Waggle works where you do by integrating into your calendar and video call tools.

🚧 please note some of these features are in development 🚧

Learn how to lead each member of your team, in every situation, as it arises

You’ll also get real-time coaching that helps you learn how to lead your team more effectively

Your Waggle AI will listen in on your calls and provides real-time feedback, coaching you to be a better manager and cater to the needs of your team.